Hi, I'm Moriel, and I speak about stuff
Some of my talks:
Evolving Wikipedia: A Case Study in Applying DDD
This talk will present a case study of utilizing Domain-Driven Design (DDD) methodologies to address the challenges of evolving Wikipedia's underlying system architecture. Wikipedia is a 23-year-old open-source monolith that serves billions of reads and millions of simultaneous writes, with a unique combination of dynamic user-generated content and workflows. The scale, complexity, and socio-technical nature of Wikipedia make it a challenging environment for applying DDD.
Internationalization when you're not localized
Remote international work involves working with people from all over the world, but in today's remote workplace environment, it also involves people whose culture does not necessarily depend on their current physical or geographic location. This talk will cover principles in localization that will help us provide a respectful welcoming environment when your workforce is distributed.
How migrating my tool to Jamstack made me a better open source denizen
Migrating neutrality.wtf from hackathon-php to Jamstack architecture empowered me to decouple the behavior and create a microservice that utilizes a generalized npm package that makes the tool more maintainable, easily upgraded, and available for others to use in other contexts.
Learn with Jason: Right-to Left (RTL) Support for Websites
RTL support has a lot of quirks that can make sites uncomfortable to use for RTL readers. In this episode, Moriel Schottlender will teach us what to watch for and how to make the web better for everyone!
Wait Wait, ?tahW: The Twisted Road to Right-to-Left Language Support
This lecture was given in linux.conf.au Conference 2016 in Australia, introducing the challenges of supporting Right-to-Left online and when developing applications.
BiDi WAT??
A quick glance into some of the bigger challenges in supporting Right to Left content (and UI) online.
Wait, it does ??THAW
StrangeLoop 2017: A lecture aimed at UX/UI developers and designers. It focuses on the common challenges involved in supporting i18n in general and Right-to-Left in particular when building user interfaces.
It's All Backwards: How the Human Element Makes Supporting BiDi Difficult (and What to do About It)
Unicode Conference 43: Examples of real life misuse and mistakes that happen when the bidirectional algorithm is not applied properly
How We Let Our Users Translate Wikipedia's Interfaces for more than 400 Languages and Locales
Unicode Conference 42: the infrastructure that allows this process to happen; how do we define messages that can be adjusted to languages that have gendered pronouns and verbs? How do we account for differences in numerals, plural rules, or language variants? How do we give clear context to the message that is translated, so the translators can utilize the subtleties of their language to maintain clarity? How do we allow non-technical users to contribute translations in a flexible and yet controlled manner, into our production software, and what tools do we offer to make this process easy for other organizations that wish to follow our lead?